Thursday, 12 July 2018

Aya & Aldhi Traditional Javanese Ponoragan Wedding (Pernikahan Adat Ponorogo)

Finally! This is the best of the best wedding in 2017 that we would happily share for you.

A while ago, we already share about the engagement of Mazaya and Aldhi and now its time to share how grand and glorious their wedding party is.

The wedding of Aya & Aldhi was held in two places, Ponorogo and Jakarta.
One week before going to Ponorogo, Aldhi and his family makes a Qur'an recitation as to ask the permission and prayers from parents, elders, and all of the relatives in Jakarta.

At that sunny and warm moment, all of us, the Le' Motion crew went Aldhi and his whole family to ponorogo. Aldhi's parents decided to rent tourism train because of the massive family and crew. And the fun part when it was Aldhi's birthday! So whole of the wagon sung the "happy birthday" song for Aldhi.

The event in Ponorogo itself starts with the Siraman or Showering and Midodareni and continued by Akad ceremony and Reception party on the next day.
For the traditional ceremony, Aya and Aldhi use the original procession of Ponorogo style or can be known as "Ponoragan". Aya's parents wanted the Ponoragan culture still remembered and used by the people of Ponorogo.

This heritage of traditional ceremony and bridal make up dan dress exist in more than 100 years.
All of the ceremony and traditional accessories are very different than other culture, as the women attire uses pants and not jarit as in Solo or Jogjakarta would've use.

In this Ponorogan wedding, the bride & groom are escorted with the great Reog Ponorogo, started with Bujang Ganong and ended with pengrawit pernikahan.

The meaning behind each symbol of Ponorogan wedding is unique and cannot be found in other wedding culture for its adaptation of Reog Ponorogo.

There are wise meanings behind each symbol which connect to relationship in life with others, life partner, as well as the relationship established after-life as a reminder of GOD.

The processions of Aya & Aldhi starts with Kirim Luhur, Adeg Terop, Rapak, Qur'an Recitation, Bride's Tuwuhan & Siraman, Groom's Siraman, Midodareni Night, Akad Ceremony, Panggih Ceremony, Pedang Pora Reception Ceremony, and last, is the great Reception in aloon-aloon.

Lastly we would like to send our gratitude to the couple and their families.
 Thank you for the opportunity and trusting us in being your wedding photographer.

We wish you both the happiest life that filled with love, care and respect.
Wishing both of you, the wedding bliss, so Congratulations on your wedding!💓💓💓

-Le' Motion
A Wonderful Way of Showing What Really Matters

The Vendors

Make up : @bennusorumba
All attire (Bride & Family) by: @intanavantie.inav
Attire Midodareni: @rumahkebaya_id
Bride make up: @bennusuromba
Paes & Pemandu adat: @bennbagoes
Decoration: @nstdecoration
Catering: @sonokembangsby
WO: @sultanningrat